Great Ways To Winterize Your Home

Posted on: 29 September 2015

If you own a home, it's important to prepare for the winter, since this time of year can be extremely cold. In order to be ready for these months, you can take these steps for your home. Maintain the Furnace One of the most important things you can do is to maintain your furnace so that it works properly when you need it the most. In order to ensure your furnace works efficiently, you need to inspect the air filter.
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Controlling Allergens And Your Air Conditioner: How To Stop Sneezing And Be Comfortable

Posted on: 25 September 2015

If you have recently turned on your air conditioner and started sneezing, there may be a lot more than just cold air blowing into your home. Allergens from outside as well as allergens you did not know were lurking in your forced air system are likely causing your allergies to go into overtime. If you want to stop sneezing, itching and stop the congestion and runny nose and just enjoy the comfortable, cool air, you will need to do the following.
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5 Things You Didn't Know About Air Conditioning

Posted on: 26 September 2014

Air conditioners are one of the greatest inventions in the past century. Below you'll find several fun facts and some common misconceptions about this invention--and the first item on the list may end up saving you money. #1 – Closing your vents can harm your air conditioning unit Most people think that closing vents redirects air but it doesn't. Instead it causes the air conditioner unit to work harder as it meets resistance.
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